
Torture Cinema #97: Santa with Muscles (1996) — The Holiday Special

Santa with Muscles

Exploding gems, racist wrestlers, and orphans, oh my! In this very special (and totally late) holiday edition of Torture Cinema, Shaun, Julia, Alex, and Jen tackle a truly horrifyingly bad Christmas movie, Santa with Muscles. From Hulk Hogan’s questionable acting skills to the nonsensical plot, the odd connections to famous actors and popular TV shows, and the utterly bananapants characters and twists, we certainly had a lot to talk about for this one. So thanks, Patreon supporters. Thanks so much.

We hope you enjoy the episode!

Overall Grade:  F+-ish

Show Notes:

  • Santa with Muscles (1996)(IMDb)
  • Our Grades:
    • Shaun (F)
    • Julia (D-)
    • Jen (F)
    • Alex (D+)
    • Average (F+-ish)

If you have a question you’d like us to answer, feel free to shoot us a message on our contact page.


One Response

  1. Posited: The presence of Mila Kunis means this is a prequel to Jupiter Ascending. (OK, not really, because that movie is AWESOME, unlike this one.)

    Also posited: The villain in the movie got his send-the-orphans-into-the-mines plan from repeated viewings of Disney’s The Rescuers when he was a child.

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