
Torture Cinema #80: Lost in Space (1998)

lost in space movie poster

Cyborg spiders, diapers, and boob seams, oh my! Jen, Paul, Alex, and Elizabeth (in her Torture Cinema debut) discuss the utterly disastrous 1998 movie adaptation of Lost in Space. From the terrible costumes to atrocious world-building, they collectively dive into the travesty Stephen Hopkins nostalgic enema while still managing to find a few nuggets of things to not completely despise. Do yourself a favor and go watch the new Netflix version and never, ever, ever waste your time with this one.

We hope you enjoy the episode!

Show Notes:

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Our new intro and outro music comes “Dimension” by Creo (CC BY 4.0), which has been slightly modified to include sound effects and for length purposes.


3 Responses

  1. Dear Crew,
    Thank you for returning this cinematic abomination to my consciousness. Twenty years of denial and self-loathing wasted. At the very least, you reawakened memories of me howling obscenities at the movie screen – much to the shock and dismay of several parents. Well done, Crew… well done.

    As a sidenote, Jared Harris is Richard Harris’ son (so was sort of destined to become an amazing actor) and is currently starring in The Terror on AMC; a slowburn horrorfest.


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