
The Skiffy and Fanty Show 6: Scifi, Moonings, and Scott-ish Aliens

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

Episode #6 marks our first attempt at trying to define science fiction.  Plus, we talk about Ridley Scott’s new Alien movies, the death of the rejection letter and the future of publishing, and much more!

Note: This episode is a day late. I had a particularly terrible day yesterday, so don’t scream at me too much.

Question of the week:  If you could change one part of your body into a robot part, which would it be and why?  Feel free to email your answers to skiffyandfanty [at] gmail [dot] com or send us a voicemail at 206-203-1686!  You can also leave a comment here or follow us on twitter.  We’d love to hear your creative responses!

Here’s the episode (show notes are below):

Episode Six — Download (MP3)

Intro (0:00 – 14:20):

News (14:21 – 30:35):

Main Event (30:36 – 1:10:00)

The End (1:10:01 – 1:14:56)

That’s all, folks! Thanks for listening!


0 Responses

  1. *beats Shaun with a spoon* Science Fiction does NOT HAVE TO BE IN THE FUTURE! So there.

  2. I would replace my left eye with a robotic eye. My decision is primarily due to the fact that I am currently legally blind in my left eye, so it’s an easy body part to sacrifice to new technology. However, it would also just be damn cool. Night vision? Check. Telescopic vision? Check. Recording capabilities? Of course. Surf the web? Hellz to the yah. I’m sure there are a cajillion other spiffy things one could do with a bionic eye, but to be honest I would be happy with something that made me not blind… with depth perception.

    1. I didn’t know you were legally blind in your left eye…or did I? I should know that already, shouldn’t I? It sounds familiar all of a sudden…

      So, a new eyeball for you. Got it. They have them, by the way…

      1. Yes, you probably should have known that/did know that, but it’s easy to forget because you can’t see that I’m blind. My eye still tracks as if it could see.

        And yes, I know they have them (but they’re not cool enough yet). I’m officially volunteering myself for all experiments involving bionic eyes.

    1. Since neither version is technically a real word – both spellings are ultimately acceptable 😛

  3. Peter Watts is from Toronto. And part of the reason it was a big deal that he can’t come to the US (other than all those flights to other continents that connect in the US) is that he has a very elderly (in his 90’s, IIRC) in the US, so if the father gets too sick to travel, he may never see him again.

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