
Signal Boost #33 — Marko Kloos (Points of Impact) and Cody Sisco (Resonant Earth Series)

Points of Impact by Marko Kloos and Broken Mirror and Cody Sisco

In today’s episode of Signal Boost, Paul talks to Marko Kloos about his military SF series, Frontlines, and more specifically about the sixth and “final” book in the series, Points of Impact. Marko shares how he tried to play with the typical military SF tropes, how his military service inspired the series, and a little about his new series that should be out later this year.

Then Cody Sisco, author of the Resonant Earth series, joins Elizabeth (in her very first solo interview!), to talk about what inspired the Resonant Earth series, some of the reasons for making it an alternate history, and the process to write and release the first book, Broken Mirrors, including what motivated him to do self-publishing, an anthology that he’s publishing, and more!

We hope you enjoy the episode!

Show Notes:

If you have a question you’d like us to answer, feel free to shoot us a message on our contact page.

Our new intro and outro music comes “Dimension” by Creo (CC BY 4.0), which has been slightly modified to include sound effects and for length purposes.


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