
China Mieville to Write Comic for DC Comics!

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

Word comes from the grand bats themselves (i.e., DC Comics) that China Mieville, author of Perdido Street Station, Embassytown, and the upcoming Railsea, will pen a comic book to be released as part of DC’s “New 52″/”Second Wave” comic “line.”  What will Mieville be doing?  This:

DIAL H – Writer: China Miéville. Artist: Mateus Santoluoco. The first ongoing series from acclaimed novelist China Miéville, this is a bold new take on a cult classic concept about the psychological effects on an everyman who accidentally gains powers to become a hero.

The concept may not sound original, but if we know anything about Mieville, it’s his gift for finding the unique, unusual, and weird in practically every “cliche” he takes on.  Dial H is likely to be one of the most interesting visual creations to come this year.

Who else is looking forward to Dial H?


Update:  Mieville did an interview with USA Today here (which might be of interest to everyone).  It includes some juicy bits about the comic above.


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