
We’re Nominated for a Hugo Award!

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

Did you hear the exciting news?  DID YOU?  We’re officially on the final ballot for the 2014 Hugo Awards!  How cool is that?

So a few quick things to say:

  1. We’re on the Hugo Award ballot! OMG!
  2. A whole bunch of you nominated us!  Thank you ever so much.  We love you.  We really do.  You are all so super awesome.  Also:  thank you so much for listening to our show!  We’ll give you free cookies one day.  Promise.
  3. We’re on the Hugo Award ballot! OMG!  Wait…I already said that.  Oh well.

So what does this mean?  Simple:

  1. We’re on the ballot, which means all of you who have attending or supporting memberships will be able to vote for us or one of the other lovely podcasts that made it to the final list (also:  all the books, short stories, movies, and what not that got nominated).  It’s up to you!
  2. If you haven’t purchased a supporting membership, you should probably do so right now so you can vote!  And not just for us, because that would be silly and self-serving.  No.  You should get a supporting membership because a) all the cool kids are doing it; b) you’ll get a huge packet of free reads (not guaranteed, but it always happens these days); c) to support the Hugo Awards by making it bigger and better than ever before; and d) to have a say in what gets an award!

It also means we could really use your support to bring The Skiffy and Fanty Show to Worldcon this year.  We need to at least raise the funds for the plane ticket by the end of this month, so if you can spare $10, please do so!  Julia and Shaun would love to attend the convention and sit among the nominees at the Hugo Awards (and Jen is planning to make this happen now, too, which is awesome).

And that’s it!  Thanks so much for nominating us.  Thanks to the Hugo committee folks for sending us the amazing news.  Thanks to everyone who has supported us in any way:  listeners, readers, hosts, friends, writers and sf/f fans…thank you all.



P.S.:  Don’t forget that we’re hosting our 200th episode live on Monday!  Details here.


8 Responses

  1. I saw that and came right over here to congratulate you! I’ll be interested to see which particular episode(s) is(are) linked for voters.

    1. That’s a good question. I’m not sure if we get to select them or not, as we’ve never been nominated for anything before. We’ll see 😀

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