Apparently the folks down in Hollywood have decided that maybe regular people kind of like science fiction and fantasy! Yay for geek and nerd-dom! At least, that’s how it appears based on the sheer number of new science fiction and fantasy based television series that are slated to come out this year. Granted, the folks at SyFy did just cancel Stargate: Universe, but they also have a new Battlestar Galactica series on their books, so maybe they’re not completely evil.
With all these new shows coming to the tube, we want to know which ones you’re looking forward to (after the fold):
- Sexy Arthur and Morgan, because nobody in medieval times was ugly.
Technically this is already out, but we’re still calling it new because it only came out a month ago and one could still, theoretically, catch up. And yes, it is what you think it’s about – the Legendary Court of Camelot, but much sexier because it’s done by Starz so they can get away with exposing a little skin.
- This throne is really, REALLY uncomfortable.
The fact that Jen hasn’t read this series is tantamount to blasphemy, or so we’ve heard. Shaun has at least started reading the series and is watching the show (and loving it: see his reviews here). Based on George R.R. Martin’s series of novels (obviously), we can only hope this tv series is doing him proud, because otherwise the fanboys and girls will probably bomb HBO headquarters and force GRRM to be their bitch…
- Aliens have killed most of humanity, but we’re smiling anyway.
This series has a powerhouse of quality production behind it (Steven Spielberg, for one), but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a show about humanity trying to hold on after Aliens attack is going to be even remotely successful — especially since it’s on TNT. However, if it gets cancelled, that probably means it is fantastic.
- Avatar on TV?! Oh wait, just Jurassic Park. Bummer.
Did we forget to mention that Steven Spielberg is producing half the new shows that are coming out this year? Well, he is. This one is essentially Jurassic Park in reverse – mankind has almost completely destroyed the environment, so they decide to go back to the Jurassic period and start destroying it earlier! We’re pretty sure they forgot about the mass extinction event part too. As this one is on Fox, it will probably get canceled faster than Firefly. Then again, they might just keep it around if it sucks bad enough. That’s just how Fox roles…
- Cheesy costumes and creepy little boys? Bring it on!
There are actually two fairy tale based shows coming out this year, but we’ll start with Once Upon a Time, if only because it has Robert Carlyle in it and we (ok, mostly Jen) have mad love for the man (hey, Shaun loves the man too!). The premise is that the fairy tale characters have been banished to the real world, because somehow the evil witch thinks that will destroy all hope of a happy ending. She’s a little bitter, yanno. ABC is still hoping to find their next Lost, but we have a feeling this show won’t be it.
- Little Red Riding Hood got torn into a lot of pieces!
This fairy tale based show from NBC has apparently ripped off the concept of “The Sisters Grimm” series and made it adult and edgy. The last of the family Grimm is a homicide detective who finds out that fairy tales are told for a reason. We like crime and we like fantasy, so hopefully the two can work well together (but they’ll probably mess it up like Syfy did with The Dresden Files).
- Row, row, row your boat…
At first glance, this show doesn’t appear to be either science fiction or fantasy, especially if all you do is read ABC’s description. A famed wilderness explorer goes missing in the Amazon, so his family, friends, and crew go out to find him. It looks like a cross between Paranormal Activity and Crocodile Hunter. If ABC is looking for a new Lost, this one might actually be it. Or not.
- Dawson’s Creek with witches!!
Due to the popularity of urban fantasy amongst the YA crowd, the CW has hopped on the fantasy bandwagon with shows like Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries. Teen Angst Dramas masquerading as fantasy series! Yay! The Secret Circle is your typical coming of age story: girl grows up, girl discovers she’s a witch, girl discovers there are a bunch of other witches her age, and girl discovers that most of them are mean girls. Based on a series of the same name, we can only assume it will be hugely popular.

This show is about people with super powers. Superhero shows, sadly, don’t do so well on the tube, and those that do quickly become suckfests (like Heroes). Granted, it’s on SyFy, so it will probably get canceled at the end of Season 2, RIGHT when you’re starting to fall in love with it (that last bit is from Jen, and she’s very bitter about SGU).
Are there any other shows that we’re missing? Are there any you’re actually looking forward to or at least intrigued by? Let us know!
0 Responses
Not on your list is Haven which is returning to Syfy this summer, but I do believe you said “fall” shows. I’m most interested in Grimm, which is totally ripped off from the British show Van Helsing (if you’ve seen it, you know I’m right). Not much else on the fall schedule excites me.
I think mostly we were concerned with new shows rather than second seasons. This is Jen’s creation, though, so she might have been thinking something else entirely at the time.
There was a British version of Van Helsing? Was it any good?
It was bearable. Chiller ran it in the US. Not a lot of episodes as it wasn’t popular in the UK. Looking forward to Grimm as it appears to be not as dark as Van Helsing, but not as light as Reaper.
Ah, well, that’s unfortunate. But what do you expect? TV is often not very good…
I’m usually not that much into TV, but recently I’ve been addicted to Game Of Thrones and Doctor Who. its a little sad when you schedule your weekend activities around those two tv shows!
Once upon a Time and Grimm look pretty cool too!
You should check out the trailer for Once Upon a Time. It looks absolutely dreadful…
I love Game of Thrones and Doctor Who :). Both amazing shows. And it’s not sad that your weekend revolves around those shows. That’s a good thing! A very good thing indeed!