The Alphas (Episode 2) of Warehouse 13 (Episode 3.2) in Eureka (Episode 412)

Thank you, SyFy, for making Mondays something to look forward to!  My husband has completely stopped watching Warehouse 13 and hasn’t started watching Alphas, but it’s still a joy to share Eureka with him.. and we got to squee geekily together, which is always a great thing.  However, this week’s episodes of all three were […]

SFFTV: The Alphas (Pilot) of Warehouse 13 (Episode 3.1) in Eureka (Episode 411)

Yes, I realize I’m a week behind in giving you some spoilery reviews, so perhaps they’re not so spoilery anymore!  Regardless, last Monday was the highlight of my Summer and tonight will be even more exciting in a super geeky way – Felicia Day makes her first appearance on Eureka!!  Yay!  I know you’re all […]