
Special Eaton Conference Episodes Coming! (Theoretically)

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

Two big things:

  1. Jen and I will be together for the first time in almost two years.  More importantly, we’ll be together for the first time as a podcast.
  2. We’ll both be attending the Eaton Conference in Riverside, California, which is an academic conference oriented towards SF/F and related subjects (technically it labels itself as a science fiction conference, but since the theme is “Global Science Fiction,” it seems silly to assume that everything that will be discussed will fit so wonderfully into SF).

What you can expect from us:

  1. Special episodes of The Skiffy and Fanty Show made at the conference and released here.  They’ll be discussion-based and largely unedited (for the sake of time).  That might also mean that Jen’s potty mouth, which I’ve done a fine job keeping contained, will ruin your ears and innocence.  I apologize in advance for that.
  2. Blog posts from me (Shaun) over at my blog.  One such post has already appeared.
  3. Alien cries of terror.  Why?  Because sometimes we get bored of each other and like to re-enact colonialist invasions of alien species using bars of soap.  Don’t judge us…

And that’s that.  Some interesting things will appear over the next few days.  We hope you enjoy them.  Otherwise, please send your hate mail to Patrick Hester.


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