
Call for Authors / Filmmakers / etc.: We Want You (Aug. to Dec. 2013)

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

Once again, we’re putting out a call for authors with upcoming books, etc. for interviews and discussions.  If you have something dropping at some point between Aug. and Dec. 2013, please send an email to skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com letting us know what you’ve got going on (or have your publicist yell at us).

What we’re looking for:

  1. New novels, short stories, video games, movies, or related books (science, some non-fiction, etc.).
  2. With rare exception, we prefer traditionally published books, whether from a small or large press or transferred over from a different format to the traditional model.
  3. Works that are either broadly defined as science fiction or fantasy (the “literary” is just as desired as “standard genre,” whatever that means) OR that are related or of interest to SF/F fans (biographies, science books, some history, and so on).
  4. The book must have a release date in either August, September, October, November, or December of this year.  We’ll put out another call for 2014 stuff later this year (things are changing for us).
  5. Books written by anyone.  We do our best to have as wide a range of authors as we can manage.  As such, we want authors who are women, men, people of color, Westerners, non-westerns, QUILTBAG, and anything else I can’t think of right now.

Things we’d like to see more of:

  • Space opera
  • Cyberpunk
  • YA SF/F
  • New Weird or General Weird Fantasy
  • Literary SF/F (like Jane Rodgers, Samuel R. Delany, Kurt Vonnegut, Joanna Russ, Margaret Atwood, Thomas Pynchon, John Crowley, etc. — yes, this category is flawed, so I hope the names will give you a sense of what I mean by “literary”)
  • SF/F from perspectives other than the West
  • Feminist SF
  • Ninjas

We have a limited number of interview slots, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do our best to include you in discussion episodes, etc.

If you are not an author, please spread the word.  There are all kinds of things being published these days, so we don’t want to miss out on something great!


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