
The 2017 Charity Fundraiser for Human Rights Watch: Make Us Review Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) for a Good Cause!

bvs fundraiser

For the next two months, we will be raising $500 for Human Rights Watch for the opportunity to entertain our listeners! HRW have done some amazing work, and we’re happy to contribute to their mission by subjecting ourselves to bad movies!

Here are the full details:

What is Human Rights Watch?

They are an international charity dedicated to research and advocacy for human rights issues. They have offices all over the world and have dedicated themselves to investigating human rights abuses in all forms, including playing a pivotal role in the creation of the UN’s International Criminal Court. If you want to learn more about them, check out their history page.

What are we going to do? (Also:  WHY?)

Between now and July 1st, we will try to raise $500. If we succeed, we will watch and review Batman vs. Superman (2016) for our Torture Cinema feature. This film is currently on our “banned” list, which means a significant portion of the podcast crew refused to see it again (or at all) for whatever reason.

If we reach that goal with plenty of time to spare, we will expand the monetary goal for an added bonus:  we’ll watch the Ultimate Edition, a 182 minute (3 hours and 2 minutes) cut of the film (that’s 31 minutes of additional material).

Why would we do this? A while back, a certain podcast host said the only way they’d watch Batman vs. Superman was if we somehow raised money for charity. We couldn’t let that go untested, so we decided to create a fundraiser to do something good while entertaining our listeners with some next level nonsense!

How do you donate?

It’s real simple:

  1. Go directly to the donation page at Human Rights Watch.
  2. Make a donation of any amount you like.
  3. Take a screenshot or email your confirmation skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com (block out your personal info if necessary). We’ll use this to keep track.

Like we said:  simple!

If for some reason you cannot donate via the methods provided and wish to use Paypal or some other service, please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate you!

(We will also accept donations to other charities of your choosing. Same deal. Send a screenshot or email of the donation confirmation to skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com and we’ll count it towards the total.)

How can you help spread the word?

There are all sorts of ways:

  • Share this page on your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or other social media feed.
  • Tell your friends and family
  • RT or share our Tweets or Facebook messages.

And that’s it. Donate and share away. Let’s make this happen!


0 Responses

  1. Bless you for doing this. xD $500 seems a bit low to be forced to watch this travesty of a film, but this is a great charity!

    1. I will probably scream a great deal. They will have to mute me with all the screaming. But this is the least I can do for a good cause 🙂

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