
2016 Season Begins: Expectations and Suggestions!

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

The new year is upon us.  Oh, heck, who am I kidding?  It’s been upon us for weeks, and boy is 2016 turning out to be a SF/F tornado of emotion!

The good news is that we’re going to have new episodes soon.  That means more interviews, more discussions, more movies, and more torturous adventures full of drinking, grumpy debate, and merriment!

So, with that in mind, here are a few things to expect from us in 2016:

First, 2016 is not a theme year.  There are some good reasons for this.  The most important is the time commitment:  it takes a lot of time to organize and put together theme seasons, and that proved particularly difficult in the last half of last year because several of us got overwhelmed with work or school.  This year, we want to focus on bringing great content…and that’s it.  None of this means that we aren’t dedicated to diversity, to the World SF Tour, and so on.  2016 is just going to be a normal season of Skiffy and Fanty:  an eclectic mix of movies, books, interviews, and torture.

Second, the first half of 2016 is likely to be a little slower than normal.  I’m currently trying to complete a dissertation, so it’s likely things will slow down towards March or April as I get closer to the final completion date.  That means that we might drop a few more Shaun-less episodes this year, and it may also mean that some periods will contain fewer episodes than normal.  Hopefully, there’ll be more of the former than the latter.

Third, we’re looking for content suggestions.  As you may recall, we ran a survey of listeners last year to figure out what you liked and disliked, what we could change or improve upon, etc.  We’ve made a lot of changes since then, some more successful than others.  Now we want to know more about what you want.  So:

Are there authors you’d like us to interview?  Movies (new and old) you’d like us to discuss?  Are there topics you’d like us to cover or guests you’d like us to have on the show?  Let us know either in the comments OR via our suggestion page!

And that’s it.  Expect the first of our 2016 episodes this month!  And thanks for listening (and reading)!


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