
Episode 4. Into the Wardrobe with The Neverending Story (1984; dir. Wolfgang Peterson): Childhood Trauma and the Power of Story

The Neverending Story Movie Poster

In this episode of Into the Wardrobe, Shaun and Jen are joined by the lovely Becca to talk about the movie that defined Jen’s childhood, terrified Shaun, and has now inspired Becca to find a luck dragon. That move is 1984’s The Neverending Story directed by Wolfgang Peterson. Our intrepid crew discuss their own childhood traumas that made them connect so strongly with Bastian, the problems with Atreyu’s coding as Native, the movie’s approach to the tyranny of adulthood under capitalism, the good and the bad of the film’s ending, and so much more that we lost track about half-way through and can’t continue telling you. Basically, listen to the podcast.


Show Notes:

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4 Responses

  1. I might support your “best theme song EVER!!!!” thesis if we lived in a universe where Queen had not done the Flash Gordon soundtrack.

    I’m a bit older — I was almost out of high school when this came out — so I admit I didn’t see it in the theater and didn’t bond with it in the same way; for me the childhood movies were things like Harryhausen (Jason, Clash & the Sinbads) and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Oh, and the Rankin-Bass animated Hobbit, and it seems to me there was some big space movie that came out in 1977 … But I really enjoyed listening to the discussion, and it’ll give me things to think about when I do inevitably watch Neverending Story again.

    1. OH! The Rankin-Bass Hobbit is one of my FAVORITES! Shaun is a bit younger than even I am, but my dad introduced me to Harryhausen (some of my own childhood favorites) to set my tastes back another decade, which Shaun didn’t have the benefit of. Glad you enjoyed the discussion!!

  2. Hmmm … I’m wondering if the Rankin-Bass Hobbit might warrant you guys talking about it at some point …

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