Readers may recognize Emma Newman as a British author of science fiction and fantasy novels, such as the Hugo-nominated Planetfall series of standalone novels. Newman is also known for her audio work, including the Hugo-winning podcast Tea and Jeopardy and narration of audiobooks. She has a naturally soothing voice and articulation that are ideal for engaging podcasting.
Newman has now teamed up with the London-based Friends of the Earth grassroots environmental campaigning community to produce a new podcast series entitled Imagining Tomorrow. An introduction to the new series can be found on Newman’s Youtube channel.
The speculative aspects of this podcast in relation to environmental and ecological issues (as well as economic and other human society-level impacts) will be of general interest to fans of speculative fiction, but should particularly interest any who are fans of Solar Punk and related subgenres that focus their themes and speculation toward climate hope.
Imagining Tomorrow features interviews with activists, scientists, and other professionals related to science, techology, business, legalities, politics, economics, etc. But it also features conversations with science fiction authors about the more future-speculative aspect of topics, or Newman’s own recommendations. Newman nicely clarifies and distinguishes what topics or technologies are purely speculative versus already-present realities or in development.
To date there are three episodes of Imagining Tomorrow released, the first of which on “Heating, Cooling, Empowering”. I had a chance to listen to and enjoy. Given that Newman is based in Somerset, many of the anecdotes, and data reflect British details or situations, but general global applicability and examples from beyond are also presented. In terms of SF, this first episode features Anne Charnock, author of the Arthur C. Clarke award-winning novel Dreams Before the Start of Time and 2020’s climate dystopia Bridge 108. Newman ends the episode posing a question for further speculation and innovation: how to “develop a cost-effective and carbon-neutral way to produce hydrogen from renewal energy sources”, and “how that could change the world”.
The second and third episodes of the podcast discuss “Growing, Feeding, Nurturing” and “Warming, Decarbonising, Celebrating.” Each episode so far has come monthly, a nice frequency for anyone worried about being overwhelmed with podcasts. You can listen in à la carte, or subscribe through any of the major podcast platform services.