
Month of Joy: Agents, Adepts, & Apprentices by Kathryn Sullivan

Agents, Adepts, and Apprentices by Kathryn Sullivan

I am excited that Zumaya Thresholds released my short story collection, Agents, Adepts, & Apprentices. This is an expanded version of the collection previously published by Amber Quill Press, with a few more stories about my interplanetary agents, as well as additional fantasy and science fiction stories. Some stories appeared in anthologies by other publishers, and I’m really excited to have those – as well as four new stories – gathered together in one place.

I am especially pleased with the new cover by the wonderful April Martinez. She really captured my wizard Salanoa.

Agents, Adepts, and Apprentices by Kathryn Sullivan

For those new to the collection, there are fantasy stories about wizards, elves, talking horses, and dwarves, as well as humans trying to deal with magic. There are also science fiction stories about psi powers, interplanetary agents, aliens attending college on Earth, and aliens attempting to figure out Terran slang. And, as indicated by the title, there are experts, and there are those trying to learn, with mixed results.

Some of the stories are flash fiction while there are longer pieces, some of which are connected.

Agents, Adepts & Apprentices was released just in time for FenCon in Dallas, so I had a cupcake (short stories = cupcakes) party there at the con to celebrate. Zumaya Publications had a table in the dealers room, and it was fun to be at the con with my publisher.

Agents, Adepts & Apprentices is currently available through Zumaya Publications (where you can read the first four stories for free), Amazon Kindle & paperNookKobo, and Google Play.

Kathryn Sullivan has been writing science fiction and fantasy since she was 14 years old. Having read her father’s collection of sf and fantasy, she started writing her own.



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