
? of the Week: SF/F TV Netflix Should Bring Back?

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

The folks at Netflix are putting their hands in the production box and trying to bring back some favorite shows like Arrested Development.  But as Gamma Squad notes:

You know what, Netflix? There’s no SF in that mix; let us help you out.

They’ve listed Firefly, Reaper, Pushing Daisies, and Justice League Unlimited.  That’s an interesting list, but what we want to know is this:

If Netflix could bring back any science fiction or fantasy television show, live action or animated, which one should they bring back and why?

Me?  I’d love to see Firefly come back, but I’m smart enough to know that a reboot in any form would be disastrous.  How do you bring back a show when half the lovable characters are dead or changed for the good?  I don’t know.  I want a reboot so bad, but it will probably never happen…

But there are other shows I’d love to see come back.  It would be amazing to have someone reboot Space: Above and Beyond.  Don’t start where they left off, but redo the entire concept a la Battlestar Galactica.  Why?  Because the show had so much potential when FOX produced it way back in the day.  It was one of the few shows I’ve ever seen that took seriously the idea of an interstellar war.  But it was flawed beyond reason.  The series had a lot of bad writing, some mediocre acting, and undeveloped plot points (the conflicts between humanity proper and the two versions of synthetic life could have been developed with more fervor).

So that’s what I would like to see get a reboot.  For now.  In a week, my mind might change…

Now it’s your turn!


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