Month of Joy: Favourite Photos of 2019

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Well. 2019 sure was a year, wasn’t it? I must admit I found it a tough one. It was the kind of year that wore me away and built a wall between me and my words.

So, I’m going to let my photos do most of the talking. Here are some of my favourite photos I took in 2019.

Last January I went to the zoo to take photos with a family member on a special visit with the meerkats. Here is one of the sentinels keeping an eye on things.February involved a trip to the walk-in aviary where the Rainbow Lorikeets made short work of the meal worms we had on hand.

Skipping forward to June and winter (this is the Southern Hemisphere, after all), I spotted these colourful mushrooms on a photography trip to the state park.

In July, a Crimson Rosella left behind a feather that looks like a flame.

Thanks to To Take Into the Air My Quiet Breath by Stephanie Gunn (published in Kaleidoscope and edited by Alisa Krasnostein and Julia Rios), I can’t help but see bronchia when I look at this gum tree.

In September, I took a trip to the beach.

And a couple more trips to the Australian National Botanic Garden:

October was the local flower festival.

The year wrapped up hot and hazy. While that’s not really my jam, it definitely suited others such as this Gippsland water dragon (Intellagama lesueurii howittii)

This year, I’m off to WorldCon in Wellington, so perhaps my favourite photos of 2020 will involve some of New Zealand’s beautiful landscapes. I hope to see you there!


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