
Announcement: Dragon Physician on Radish!


Recently, I was approached by Radish to write for them. We talked and now I am a verified Radish author! For my inaugural serial, I will be publishing the Asian-inspired dragon-racing YA fantasy I have been talking about for a while now. It has been languishing in my hard drive, bypassed by agents, and now — hopefully — it will have a new lease of life on Radish. (Hopefully (again) that it will be a physical book at the end of the journey… Publishers? Bueller?)

What is Radish? No, it’s not a tuber vegetable but an awesome writing and publishing platform like Wattpad.

Oh yes, the blurb: Can Jixin succeed in a world of dragon racing run by powerful women? Can he fight the system and fulfill his dream of becoming a dragon rider? Or does he choose instead to be a dragon physician like his mother? Jixin finds his world suddenly changed when Lu Si, the scion of a Rookery owner, takes a shine on him. He is plunged straight into the lucrative world of dragon racing… Will his life change?

The tagline: Can we fight the system?

Interested/Curious yet? Subscribe and pay as you read! (Because I still need to eat!). Sign up at Dragon Physician @ Radish.

The serial launches on 7 November!

Note: I am Singaporean-Chinese and my experience of being Asian/Chinese is pretty much influenced by living on an island state plonked right in the middle of Southeast Asia (and at the tip of the Malay peninsula)! So Dragon Physician is a YA fantasy with trans/queer rep with an Asian inspired landscape and culture. It is also what it says on the tin: a YA fantasy of dragon riding, love, jealousy and fighting the system. It is aimed at the lower spectrum of YA (lower YA, higher MG).


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