
Torture Cinema Poll #9: Emergency Movie Poll — Help Us Fill the Gap!

Jen and I were supposed to read Tom Kratman’s Caliphate, but after trying to read the book, we realized that the kind of bad we are looking for when we do these Torture Media segments doesn’t exist there.  Caliphate is a bad book, but it’s not a book that we can make fun off without crossing our […]

Torture Cinema Poll #8 Results

The results are in, but to make things interesting, we’ve decided to launch a preemptive strike:  we’re going to record two Torture Cinema episodes at the same time, but post them during different weeks. “What’s the big deal about that?” you might say.  Well, we’re going to drink through the whole thing.  From start to […]

Torture Cinema Poll #8: Pick Our 2nd 2012 Movie

I don’t think it’s necessary to remind you how much we hate you all for not picking Jumper.  But I guess there’s not much we can do about that.  You people seem to love it when we watch the truly awful and offensive… So here’s the next poll: Notice the new addition.  If you pick […]

Torture Cinema Poll #7 Results

Have we mentioned how much we hate you all? No? Oh, well, we hate you so much that we’re willing to watch the movie the vast majority of you picked for us.  And that movie, polling at 65% of the votes, is the following: To be fair, I’m looking forward to the pain Jen will […]

Torture Cinema Poll #7: Pick Our 1st 2012 Movie!

Since the holidays are covered by a Norwegian horror flick, we’ve decided to use what’s left of December to figure out which flick we’re going to watch to start of 2012! So — what should we watch next?