
Book Review: Son of the Storm/Warrior of the Wind, by Suyi Davies Okungbowa

Cover of Warrior of the Wind, by Suyi Davies Okungbowa

The two books really feel like to me a study and critique of decaying imperial power, and what happens when that eroding power slips to the point where the imperium is visibly decaying, and starts to overcorrect and do truly shortsighted and ill-advised things in the quest to not only maintain the decaying status quo, but to reach back to a mythical golden era before that never really existed in the first place.

Movie Review: The Congress

Movie poster for The Congress. Shows Robin Wright being scanned for her digital avatar.

The news of the Writer Author’s Guild going on strike, followed by the SAG-AFSTRA Strike, and the desire for studios to use so-called A.I. not only in scripts and writing, but, more crucially, to scan the images of background actors without their knowledge and consent, convinced me that I needed to rewatch this 2013 movie that has proven rather prescient.