
Paperbacks from Hell #1: THE NEST by Gregory A. Douglas

Cover of The Nest, Paperbacks from Hell #1, by Gregory A. Douglas, featuring a cockroach sitting atop a mound in a dark forest, with a full moon above.

Through this series, Valancourt has been reissuing limited-edition, mass-market paperbacks of these “horror gems of the ’70s and ’80s” complete with the vintage cover art, whenever possible, and new introductions by [Grady] Hendrix or [Will] Erickson.

Book Review: HOLLOW TONGUE by Eden Royce

Cover of Hollow Tongue by Eden Royce, featuring bout two dozen butterflies lined up in rows on a board or paper.

… Known for her Southern Gothic horror writing, Royce writes with the same genre vibes in Hollow Tongue, but approaches the field in unexpected ways that emphasize the psychological horror of trauma and symbolism…