Book Review: Valhalla by Ari Bach

Valhalla, written by Ari Bach, is dark, gritty, dangerous, and subtly representative.  Bach unpacks his new world, layering loud violence, subtle queer identities, and a disturbing dystopian premise that promises an interesting alternative.  Valhalla pushes the boundaries of science fiction to make you question the lines drawn between dystopian governments, outside companies, and the people […]

Book Reviews: Martian Girls, Home and Abroad

Martians Abroad by Carrie Vaughn & Mars Girls by Mary Turzillo Two young adult (YA) novels featuring feisty teen heroines from Mars recently landed in my to-be-read pile. Beyond the surface similarity between their protagonists, the two novels diverge completely, each with unique focus and drive, and different kinds of success. Newly out in trade […]

My Superpower: Geoffrey Girard

My Superpower is a regular guest column on the Skiffy and Fanty blog where authors and creators tell us about one weird skill, neat trick, highly specialized cybernetic upgrade, or other superpower they have, and how it helped (or hindered!) their creative process as they built their project. Today we welcome Geoffrey Girard to talk […]

Check it Out! Competition to win Celine Kiernan's Into the Grey

One of our favoritest authors in the whole wide world, Celine Kiernan, has a new novel coming out this month!  Which means we’re going to have to interview her again soon (*hinthint* Celine). Into the Grey is a YA novel about a boy who is losing his twin brother to a ghost: ‘The scream was […]