742. Leverage: Redemption (Season 2) w/ Michi Trota — Screen Scouts

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-742-leverage-redemption-s-2/SandF_742_LeverageRedemptionS2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSVentilated dates, juiced-up gaming, and Keith David, oh my! Shaun Duke and Brandon O’Brien join forces again w/ special guest and Michi Trota for a discussion of the second season of Leverage: Redemption. Together, they tackle the show’s approach to continuing its story, how it imagines problem solving in a complicated world, why Keith David is perfection, and the complex and nuanced character development in S2. Plus, there’s definitely more! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode! Special thanks to Trish for editing this episode. You get 500 points.
733. Kamen Rider Black Sun (2022-) — Righteous Kicks #9

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-733-righteous-kicks-9-black-sun/SandF_733_Righteous_Kicks_9_Black_Sun.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSGovernment experimentation, political death-cults, and 80s fashion, oh my! Brandon O’Brien and Iori Kusano are joined by cult expert Sarah Hightower to discuss Kamen Rider Black Sun, and its touchstones to both the history of Japanese politics and modern-day marginalizations! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
380. 10th Anniversary Special!

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-380-10th-anniversary-special/SandF_380_10th_Anniversary_Special.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS Anniversaries, cringe, and laughs, oh my! Jen and Shaun celebrate the 10th anniversary of this ridiculous podcast by jumping back in time to retread the wonders of our very first episode. Together, they share thoughts on 10 years of podcasting and some of our fans’ favorite episodes, dive into the content from our first episode to see how things have progressed, and offer some grown up opinions about a fan fiction controversy from 2010! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
368. The Mandalorian (Season One) — Screen Scouts

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandf368mandalorians1wrapup/SandF_368_MandalorianS1WrapUp.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSHeroic stands, robot nannies, and more Yodito, oh my! Jen Zink and Shaun Duke are back for more discussion about The Mandalorian. You can’t blame them, can you? The show is awesome! Together, Shaun and Jen talk about the show’s continued subversion of narrative tropes, the mythology of the Mandalorians, the place of the show in the Star Wars oeuvre, and so much more! We hope you enjoy the episode!
365. Looking Back, Moving Forward: The 2020 Edition

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandf365lookingbackmovingforward2020/SandF_365_LookingBackMovingForward2020.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSNew years, new decades, and new changes, oh my! In our first episode of 2020, Jen and Shaun take a trip in a time machine to discuss some of the things they loved in 2019 and some of the things they’re looking forward to in 2020. From books to movies to awkward social events, there’s a lot to love about 2019 and a lot to expect in 2020. That’s kinda the theme, right? Looking back! Moving forward! Of course, a new decade means new changes to the show. Shaun and Jen take a minute to talk about what you can expect from the show in 2020, why we’re making some changes to things, and what they’re hoping to get out of our 10th year of podcasting. We hope you enjoy the episode!
Screen Scouts #21: The Mandalorian (Season 1; Episodes 1-3)

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandfscreenscoutsep21mandalorians1e13/SandF–ScreenScouts–Ep21–MandalorianS1E1-3.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSSweet Westerns, delicious Mando’a, and Yodito, oh my! Screen Scouts takes a departure from our Babylon 5 re-watch for an impromptu discussion about The Mandalorian. Shaun and Jen join forces to talk about how the show approaches Mandalorian culture and diaspora, Favreau’s moderate obsession with Westerns, the politics of Star Wars, Wernor Herzog, and baby Yoda (species whatever). It’s a delicious episode, so get your spoons out and keep those tents closed so the sand doesn’t get in! We hope you enjoy the episode!