Thankfulness in tough times

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all who celebrate it in the U.S., and anyone else who needs a bit of cheer! These are tough times for many of us, for many reasons, but that makes it all the more important to celebrate love, community, courage, endurance, and whatever else continues to go right. Today, our three regular reviewers are taking the opportunity to share what makes them thankful and hopeful these days. Daniel Haeusser: Amid difficult times of stress and uncertainty, I am trying to find thankfulness in still being able to take part in things, and support, things that I find valuable for humanity and bring me joy, things like reading, writing, music, and service to organizations whose mission I value. As the world turns more to technology in favor of our brains, the human-made over the natural, and asocial interaction over actual connection, I’m thankful for the opportunity to still pursue alternatives to what I see as destructive. It becomes harder for me to lose all faith and succumb to despair when I become reminded of all that I do have, from basic needs of reliable food, water, and sanitation, to greater spoils available for entertainment and general enjoyment. In terms of genre, I’m particularly thankful these days for the many wonderful small, independent presses that just consistently put out amazing, interesting work, and of course the authors, illustrators, and many others that go into bringing those works to us. Trish Matson: I am thankful for my large and loving family; I realize that a lot of people aren’t as lucky as I am, to have been raised with kindness, generosity, love, laughter, and encouragement, and to still have a small safety net when some things have gone wrong in my life. Sure, there have been points of friction from time to time, but family ties can be wonderful. Found family is also a blessing, as are all types of love. I am incredibly thankful for all the love in my life and in the world.I am thankful for the education I received, not only for the good jobs that has helped me find in the past (and hopefully in the future), but also for how I learned to love the act of learning, and how much my knowledge base helps me to appreciate ingenuity and cultural connections wherever I encounter them. It makes me sad and frustrated when some people denigrate knowledge and education, but it gladdens me when I can share insights with other people and understand the points they’re making, and sometimes even help to elevate the discussions.I am thankful for the speculative fiction community. When people imagine different worlds and ways of life, they’re making room for their readers, viewers, players, and interacters to expand the possibilities here, now, and in the real, living future. I’ve seen some terrible, selfish, close-minded ways of being fans, but I have seen so many more people spreading appreciation, inspiration, and joy! I am thankful for this amazing universe. Truth can indeed be stranger than fiction, and far deeper and broader than our imaginations. I fear for the future of the Earth’s environment and climate, among other things, but I’m sure that if we can get enough people to understand the extraordinary gifts we’ve received just by existing here and now, we can come together, turn things around, and make things better. Paul Weimer: I am thankful for a person in my life. Sadly and tragically, circumstances mandate that I cannot name this wonderful person, but I want to acknowledge her existence and importance. She has lightened, gladdened, lifted and brought warmth and love to my heart. I adore her and I love her deeply and that love has been a balm, a source of strength, temperament and soul.I am thankful to the science fiction community who apparently decided, after the nonsense of last year, that I am good enough dammit, and so I won a Hugo Award. It still does not feel real, it feels like it happened to someone else, but there is photographic evidence of it, so it must have happened. I am thankful to all the people who nominated me, voted for me, and read and care about my genre work.I am thankful for the friends in my life. I don’t have much blood relations left who will talk to me—all I have is found family, and thus, friends. Their presence in my life should not be underestimated. Be they people I’ve driven hours to return a purse, or people on the other side of the world who kindly had me try vegemite with the best of intentions. I am thankful for all of them.Finally, I am thankful for everything that I have been able to see, photograph and visit. Not everyone has had the chances I have had, the adventures and misadventures I’ve had. I am lucky, very lucky and I should not underestimate or downplay that.
470. Black Friday (2021) — Torture Cinema #127 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSMega Karens, nail guns, and ovipositors, oh my! Shaun Duke, Tonia Ransom, and Jen Zink join forces to tackle Black Friday (2021) for our (now late) Thanksgiving Special. Together, they discuss the film’s hilarious treatment of the infamous Black Friday sale, the biology of Mega Karens, what it means to get run over by the police, and so much more! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
444. ThanksKilling (2009) — Torture Cinema #120 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSHuman facemasks, turkey sex, and charming sheriffs, oh my! Shaun Duke and Alex Acks join forces to discuss our first ever Thanksgiving-related movie, ThanksKilling! Together, they try to understand the film’s approach to horror comedy, reflect on what it’s like to wear a human facemask, analyze the meaning of a killer turkey, and so much more! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

It’s the big turkey day here in the United States of America (or the big tofu day, depending on your diet), which means at least 50% of us will sit down with our annoying in-laws, the creepy uncle from seminary school, the weird twin cousins who always pick their noses at the table, the father who drinks himself into a stupor while watching football, and the mother who will eventually have a nervous breakdown after her fifth glass of wine. Needless to say, Thanksgiving is one of those “fun” holidays. But no Thanksgiving would be complete without saying thanks! So thank you all for listening to our show, reading our blog, and telling your friends about us. We really appreciate it! Without you, this should would be little more than two geeks babbling about stuff. So…thanks! May you have a wonderful dinner, wherever you are! P.S.: Monday’s episode will be a doozy…we’re reviewing Modelland by Tyra Banks. Trust me…it’s awful.