Episode 75 — Magical Realism and Book Love w/ Jason Sanford
http://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/TheSkiffyAndFantyShow6.2–MagicalRealismAndBookLoveWJasonSanford/Sandf–Episode6.2–MagicalRealismAndBookLoveWJasonSanford.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSJason Sanford returns (are you noticing a trend, yet?) to talk with us about magical realism, interesting (and damn near annoying) news in the SF/F world, and what we want for Christmas. It’s sure to be a fun ride, if not a little controversial (because Sanford is the Queen of Controversy, after all — or is it King? We’re not sure, but we do know that he’s got a few things to say about this week’s news. Emotional things. From deep down in his heart!). We hope you enjoy the episode! Note: If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show! Here’s the episode (show notes are below): Episode 75 — Download (MP3) Intro and News/Discussion w/ Jason Sanford (0:00 – 45:01) Angry Robots announces Strange Chemistry (Because they’re awesome like that…) Bryan Fuller to remake The Munsters (Because we need more remakes, right? RIGHT? Or we could all take heroine and relive the 70s…) Kristen Stewart Joins Cast of U.S. Remake of Akira (rumors, perhaps, but it should say something about a movie that every single rumor pisses off geeks the world over…) Jason Sanford’s Website (go and buy his stuff, or we’ll hurt Jen…as in the people in my head and I…) Our new intro music is “Time Flux” by Revolution Void (CC BY 3.0). That’s all, folks! Thanks for listening. See you next week.
Halloween Special: We Need Your Movie Suggestions!
October is coming up mighty quick, and with it comes candy and middle-aged men and women dressed up as ninjas and creepy guys in masks with fake chainsaws to scare all the little kiddies… I mean, that’s not what we’re doing. Then again, we’re not middle-aged… In any case, we really need your help for our Torture Cinema feature. For the first time ever, we’re going to have a special Halloween edition of Torture Cinema. This means we need suggestions. If you know of any bad supernatural or science fiction horror movies that you think we should watch and review, let us know in the comments, send us an email (skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com), send us a tweet, or look for our link on Google+ and leave a message. We’ll collect all of the suggestions and narrow them down to the five most popular selections. After that, you all get to vote on one of them, which will result in Jen and Shaun kicking and screaming about your poor life choices. Now start your suggesting!
The Alphas (Episode 2) of Warehouse 13 (Episode 3.2) in Eureka (Episode 412)
Thank you, SyFy, for making Mondays something to look forward to! My husband has completely stopped watching Warehouse 13 and hasn’t started watching Alphas, but it’s still a joy to share Eureka with him.. and we got to squee geekily together, which is always a great thing. However, this week’s episodes of all three were a bit on the serious side (though the Eureka version of serious is never actually THAT serious). Spoilers Ahead!
SFFTV: The 9 Lives (Episode 5) of Teen Wolf (Episode 7)
A week late and a few dollars short, here is the review for last week’s episodes of Teen Wolf and The 9 Lives of Chloe King. Both were a pretty big improvement over the previous week, but Teen Wolf still suffers from weak acting out of its main character, and 9 Lives still suffers from including were-cats. Spoilers Ahead!
SFFTV: Falling Skies — Another Monumental Disappointment
I’m done with TNT’s Falling Skies. This is the second science fiction TV show they’ve produced that I’ve given up on and I’m starting to see a trend. The first was The Walking Dead, which suffered from many of the same issues that make Falling Skies such a weak piece of science fiction. Namely, the moronic use of the generic/subgeneric conventions (for The Walking Dead, post-apocalyptic zombie survival; for Falling Skies, post-alien-invasion post-apocalypse survival). But if failing to use the clichés of the genre effectively weren’t bad enough, perhaps the series’ blatant political agenda and its wishy washy handling of normally interesting and relevant subjects (to Americans) kills the show for good. Falling Skies, essentially, is about how conservative America—in the current conception of that ideal—can save mankind
SFFTV: The Alphas (Pilot) of Warehouse 13 (Episode 3.1) in Eureka (Episode 411)
Yes, I realize I’m a week behind in giving you some spoilery reviews, so perhaps they’re not so spoilery anymore! Regardless, last Monday was the highlight of my Summer and tonight will be even more exciting in a super geeky way – Felicia Day makes her first appearance on Eureka!! Yay! I know you’re all super excited about that. Quick thoughts – Eureka made a strong showing for its first episode of their half season, Warehouse 13 is definitely improved for having brought in a new character, and Alphas is giving me renewed hope in the Superhero genre. Spoilers Ahead!