Shaun’s Rambles 010: On C.L. Moore’s Judgment Night and Gender Violence–OnC.l.MooresJudgmentNight.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSSpace opera attacks! It’s been three weeks since I started teaching my space opera course, and I already have far too much to talk about! In this edition, I take a look at the first half of C.L. Moore’s Judgment Night and the interesting ways in which I and my students read gender violence into some of the early scenes. I hope you enjoy it! Some useful links:
Shaun’s Rambles 007: On Teaching Science Fiction — The Reading List–OnTeachingScienceFiction–TheReadingList.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSHow do I select what I teach in my science fiction courses?
145. Teaching SF/F w/ David Annandale (A Discussion)–%20Episode%20145%20–%20Teaching%20SFF%20w%20David%20Annandale.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSSpace, monsters, and wooden desks, oh my! Author David Annandale joins the crew to answer the following question: What SF/F properties do you think should be taught? We discuss books, short stories, film, and much more (plus, there’s a little discussion of some recent films, such as Oblivion). Feel free to leave a comment with your own suggestions! We hope you enjoy the episode! (I will make a list of all the stuff mentioned this weekend, along with lists of all the other stuff I’ve been meaning to make for previous episodes.) Note: If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show! Here’s the episode (show notes are below): Episode 145 — Download (MP3) Intro and Discussion (0:00 – 1:21:10) David’s Website David’s Twitter The Black Library Charles A Tan on teaching SF Check out David’s books! They are awesome! Here’s the list of stuff mentioned on the show (minus things we named as jokes): Books Robert Heinlein The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Ursula K. Le Guin Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe The Female Man by Joanna Russ “When It Changed” by Joanna Russ One For Sorrow by Christopher Barzak “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke Gormenghast Series by Mervyn Peake Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon “Bloodchild” by Octavia Butler Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor “Hello Moto” by Nnedi Okorafor The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier Dauthers of Earth by Justine Larbalestier The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn “The Girl Who was Plugged In” by “The Calorie Man” by Paolo Bacigalupi “The Paper Menagerie” by Ken Liu “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin “Making the Woman” by Lucy Taylor “Lost in the Funhouse” by John Barth The Princess Bride by William Goldman Titus Andronicus The Tempest Movies 2001: A Space Odyssey A Clockwork Orange The Lord of the Rings 2081 Pumzi District 9 Metropolis Attack the Block Pans Labyrinth Tsotsi War of the Worlds (2005) Close Encounters of the Third Kind Harry Brown Enemy Mine The Haunting (1963) The Haunting (1999) Princess Mononoke Legend The Princess Bride The Neverending Story Blade Runner The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Exorcist The Thing Dawn of the Dead The Celebration Titus Forbidden Planet Comics The Watchmen by Alan Moore You can also support this podcast by signing up for a one month free trial at Audible. Doing so helps us, gives you a change to try out Audible’s service, and brings joy to everyone. Our new intro music is “Time Flux” by Revolution Void (CC BY 3.0). That’s all, folks! Thanks for listening. See you next week.