740. Stina Leicht (a.k.a. Mrs. Irish Cream) — Loki’s Ring

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-740-stina-leicht/SandF_740_StinaLeicht.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSBizarre aliens, complicated families, and AI therapy, oh my! Shaun Duke is joined by longtime collaborator and repeat interviewee, Stina Leicht. Why? Because Stina has a new book called Loki’s Ring from Saga Press featuring artificial general intelligences, weird alien stuff, delightful familial relationships, and spaceships! Together, Shaun and Stina discuss the book’s hopeful perspective, the politics of future civilizations, and so much more! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
386. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) — At the Movies #02 — A Podcast Throwback

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-386-star-trek-into-darkness/SandF_386_StarTrekIntoDarkness.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSTrek rehashes, Klingons, and shooty spaceships, oh my! It’s another magical day in the Skiffy and Fanty Universe! Today, we share another episode most of you have never heard before because it never released on the main feeds: our discussion of Star Trek Into Darkness! Listen to Shaun Duke, Paul Weimer, and special guest Jay Garmon talk about the film’s approach to Trek-i-ness, its rehashing of familiar plots, the prettiness of spaceships, and what Kirk’s deal is… And much more! We hope you enjoy the episode!
371. Star Wars Retrospective w/ Michael R. Underwood

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandf371starwarsretrospective/SandF_371_StarWarsRetrospective.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS Jedi Knights, scary futures, and Wookies, oh my! For this special episode of the show, Shaun is joined by Michael R. Underwood for a retrospective discussion of Star Wars. Together, they look back at the Star Wars / Skywalker saga and other Star Wars property to set the stage for an examination of the journey thus far and the journey yet to come. What will Star Wars look like now that the main saga is over? What concerns do these super dorks have about the future of the franchise? Do the new announcements from Disney fill us with hope, concern, or dread? Shaun and Mike answer these questions and more! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
368. The Mandalorian (Season One) — Screen Scouts

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandf368mandalorians1wrapup/SandF_368_MandalorianS1WrapUp.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSHeroic stands, robot nannies, and more Yodito, oh my! Jen Zink and Shaun Duke are back for more discussion about The Mandalorian. You can’t blame them, can you? The show is awesome! Together, Shaun and Jen talk about the show’s continued subversion of narrative tropes, the mythology of the Mandalorians, the place of the show in the Star Wars oeuvre, and so much more! We hope you enjoy the episode!
Screen Scouts #21: The Mandalorian (Season 1; Episodes 1-3)

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandfscreenscoutsep21mandalorians1e13/SandF–ScreenScouts–Ep21–MandalorianS1E1-3.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSSweet Westerns, delicious Mando’a, and Yodito, oh my! Screen Scouts takes a departure from our Babylon 5 re-watch for an impromptu discussion about The Mandalorian. Shaun and Jen join forces to talk about how the show approaches Mandalorian culture and diaspora, Favreau’s moderate obsession with Westerns, the politics of Star Wars, Wernor Herzog, and baby Yoda (species whatever). It’s a delicious episode, so get your spoons out and keep those tents closed so the sand doesn’t get in! We hope you enjoy the episode!
Screen Scouts #20: Babylon 5 (Season 3; Episodes 13-17)

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sandfscreenscouts20babylon5s3e1317/SandF–ScreenScouts20–Babylon5–S3E13-17.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSShadow dominoes, buddy psycops, and genocidal love, oh my! The Babylon 5 re-watch of Season 3 continues! Shaun, Mike, and Paul tackle episodes 13 through 17. They explore the progression of the war with the Shadows, Centauri courtship culture and the complex “racial” politics of the show, our beautiful dreams for a buddy cop show featuring Garibaldi and Bester, and so much more. So climb aboard the the White Star and join us on our adventures in the B5 universe! We hope you enjoy the episode!