Short Fiction Review: February 2024
My favorite story from February was “Why Don’t We Just Kill the Kid In the Omelas Hole” by Isabel J. Kim … My other favorite stories from February all took the form of in-world artifacts of some sort.
Short Fiction Review: January 2024
My favorite stories from January all wrestled with tough ethical questions [“A Saint Between the Teeth” by Sloane Leong, “Nothing of Value” by Aimee Ogden, and “A Cure for Solastalgia” by E.M. Linden].
Short Fiction Review: December 2023
My four favorite stories from December are all quite different. While the first three stories all do something interesting with the perspectives used to tell the story, the fourth story doesn’t. Instead, it just tells a good story with good characters.
Book Review: Resurrections, by Ada Hoffmann
Resurrections shows a wide range of subject matter, themes and topics; nearly all of the pieces are interesting and engaging, and some of them are breathtakingly gorgeous and moving.
Review: New Edge Sword & Sorcery, Nos. 0-2
There’s a huge variety of entertaining and illuminative content in New Edge Sword and Sorcery Magazine. Anyone who’s interested in the subject would be well advised to check the magazine out.
Short Fiction Review: October 2023
Often, there ends up being a common thread connecting my favorite stories for a given month. This month, however, the differences between my favorite stories seem more notable, particularly when it comes to structure.