Podcast Boost: IMAGINING TOMORROW with Emma Newman

Image: Podcast graphic for Imagining Tomorrow with Emma Newman (Friends of the Earth)

Award-winning podcaster and author Emma Newman has teamed up with the London-based Friends of the Earth grassroots environmental campaigning community to produce a new podcast series entitled Imagining Tomorrow.

Book Review: TRIANGULUM by Subodhana Wijeyeratne

Cover of Triangulum by Subodhana Wijeyeratne, depicting a spaceship that looks like an angry monster, firing weapons.

It’s a cerebral space opera set on a large scale with multiple protagonists and antagonists vying for control. Sometimes, the lines between protagonist and antagonist can become blurred, as can the nature of their moralities.

“The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080”: An Exegesis

Cover of Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine, Oct. 1980, featuring an illustration of "The World SF Convention of 2080"

I want to come to recent events in another way.  All of this reminds me of a story that  I want do a deep dive on: “The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080” by Ian Watson (published in 1980). This is a short, very inside baseball story of Worldcon, Worldcon fandom and science fiction, and it is quite revealing.

Book Review: THREE EIGHT ONE by Aliya Whiteley

Cover of Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley. Tag: "You will know your place when you are done."

The plot and themes of Three One Eight connect with its unconventional elements of narrative and construction. These are wonderful discoveries for the reader to make without forewarning.