
Live at Worldcon: The Skiffy and Fanty Show, Announcements, Torture Cinema, and Schedules!

Julia, Jen, and Shaun will be at Worldcon this year.  That’s right.  We’re going to cause a lot of trouble, such as switching the dust jackets on books in the dealer’s room and randomly assaulting authors with our digital recorder (we’re coming for you, Myke Cole).  And since this is our first convention of any sort for The Skiffy and Fanty Show, we’ve got some super special stuff in store: We are making two big announcements at Worldcon this year.  Look out for our Skiffy and Fanty shirts, as they’ll contain all the clues you need!  We’ll also make the announcements in one or two of the podcasts we record while in attendance. A live recording of Torture Cinema A lot of Worldcon joy Update:  We’ve also included Julia’s panel schedule at the bottom.  We’re likely to try to attend the podcast panel she moderates on Monday. We’ve listed our live recording of Torture Cinema and our Worldcon schedules below: