
#PollMondays: Which of these super people would win in a game of Risk?

We’re rolling out a new thing on the blog. It began as a new thing on our Twitter account:  #PollMondays. People seemed to like it, so we’re going to do more of it! The premise for today’s poll is simple:  if these super people sat down for a game of Risk, who do you think […]

Torture Cinema Poll for June 2014: You Decide

You know the drill.  Pick the one you want us to watch this month!  Voting closes on Monday. Note:  I’ve been randomizing the massive list so we can keep the polls fresh.  From now on, I’m also going to randomize the lists by decade so each poll item is from a different decade.

Torture Cinema Poll: Pick Our March 2014 Flick!

A slight change to the way we do polls:  you can now pick your top three, and the polls will now include 10 entries from our very long list.  This should make things interesting! You know the drill.  VOTE!

Torture Cinema Poll: January Torture (You Decide)

You know the drill!  Vote away: (Note:  these films are randomized from our long list of Torture Films.  If you’d like to suggest something to add to our list, feel free to do so in the comments!)