
Torture Cinema Poll for January: What should we watch for the 50th Torture?

What’s that?  50 Tortures?  5-0?  That’s right.  January will mark the 50th episode of Torture Cinema.  We’ll make this special somehow…Right.  The poll.  It’s a special poll.  For this special episode, I asked the Internet to pick the five flicks to appear on our poll. You know the drill.  Vote!

Torture Cinema Poll for the Holiday Special!

We used to call this the Christmas Special, but given that the winter months are host to a number of holidays, we think it’s time we take a page out of the Star Wars playbook and call this the Holiday Special. You know the drill.  VOTE! (Note:  We’re still trying to fill out our list of holiday-theme sf/f-ish bad movies.  If you have a suggestion, leave a comment below.  We’re also trying to find non-Christmas-themed movies for this; if you know any, please let us know!)