797. K.B. Wagers (a.k.a. Le Conséquentialiste) — And the Mighty Will Fall

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-797-kbwagers/SandF_797_KBWagers.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSFuturistic sports, interplanetary politics, and consequences, oh my! Shaun Duke and Trish Matson are joined by K.B. Wagers to discuss And the Mighty Will Fall. Together, they explore Wagers’ influences, tackle the messy world of pain and consequences, look at the worldbuilding and politics of the NeoG novels, and much more! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
336. WorldCon 75 Interview Edition with Marko Kloos, Crystal Huff, and David J. Peterson

http://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/SandFEpisode336WorldCon75InterviewsWithKloosHuffAndPeterson/Sandf–Episode336–Worldcon75InterviewsWithKloosHuffAndPeterson.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSYou might recall that way back in August, the Skiffy and Fanty team got to go to WorldCon 75 in Helsinki! While they were there, Shaun and Paul had the honor of interviewing Marko Kloos, Crystal Huff, and David J. Peterson. These interviews span from military SF with Marko to Chinese SF Fandom with Crystal to conlang with David. These are some fun, fascinating interviews that are absolutely worth the wait! We hope you enjoy the episode! Note: If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show! Here’s the episode (show notes are below):
Book Review: Mechanical Failure by Joe Zieja

Sergeant R Wilson Rogers, having given up a cushy berth in the make-work peacetime military fleet to try his hand at the profitable world of smuggling, finds himself dragged back into the military when it turns out that interstellar smuggling isn’t as easy as it seems. Fortunately, he can even get back into his old unit, the 331st. The bad news is that, even in the relatively short time since he has been gone, the military has gone even more around the bend. And only Sergeant Rogers seems capable or aware enough to try and stop an interstellar war and a robot uprising at the same time, despite his tendency toward indolent laziness. Like it or not, Rogers is going to have to do some real work for a change. The Two Hundred Years Peace is riding on it.
224. Multicultural Steampunk, World SF, and War Stories w/ Diana Pho and Andrew Liptak at ICFA

http://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/SandFEpisode224DianaPhoAndAndrewLiptakAtICFA/SandF%20–%20Episode%20224%20–%20Diana%20Pho%20and%20Andrew%20Liptak%20at%20ICFA.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSRetrofuturism, power armor, and awesome clothes, oh my! In one of our last recordings from ICFA, Diana Pho and Andrew Liptak join us to discuss Beyond Victoriana, multicultural sf, Western influence, and the now-available anthology, War Stories edited by Andrew Liptak and Jaym Gates. We hope you enjoy the episode! Note: If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show! Here’s the episode (show notes are below): Episode 224 — Download (MP3) Show Notes: Beyond Victoriana (Diana’s Website) Diana’s Twitter Andrew’s Website Andrew’s Twitter Andrew’s Kirkus Page War Stories (buy it!) Apex Books The Reads: SteamPowered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories edited by JoSelle Vanderhooft Steampunk World edited by Sarah Hans Virtuoso by Jon Munger Boilerplate: History’s Mechanical Marvel by Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett Frank Reade: Adventures in the Age of Invention by Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett Leviathan Series by Scott Westerfeld The Clockwork Century Series by Cherie Priest Our new intro music is “Time Flux” by Revolution Void (CC BY 3.0). That’s all, folks! Thanks for listening. See you next week.
136. Linda Nagata (a.k.a. the Drone Samurai) — The Red: First Light (An Interview)

http://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/SandFEpisode136InterviewWLindaNagata/SandF%20–%20Episode%20136%20–%20Interview%20w%20Linda%20Nagata.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSDrones, mechanized soldiers, and culture, oh my! Linda Nagata, author of The Red: First Light, joins us to talk about her new book. We wander amazingly through discussions about the future of the military, the military industrial complex, future weapons, cultures and interactions, and so much more (really, we cover a lot of stuff). We hope you enjoy the episode! Note: If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show! Here’s the episode (show notes are below): Episode 136 — Download (MP3) Intro and Discussion (0:00 – 1:31:01) Linda’s Website Linda’s Twitter Book View Cafe Check out Linda’s book(s). Tis good stuff! You can also support this podcast by signing up for a one month free trial at Audible. Doing so helps us, gives you a change to try out Audible’s service, and brings joy to everyone. Our new intro music is “Time Flux” by Revolution Void (CC BY 3.0). That’s all, folks! Thanks for listening. See you next week.