Guest Post: Jen Williams on her Favorite Rogues

The main character of my book, The Copper Promise is Wydrin of Crosshaven, also known as Wydrin Threefellows, also known as the Copper Cat in certain circles – usually the sort of circles with sawdust on the floor and a general stench of stale beer hanging in the air. Wydrin is a rogue, right down to her battered boiled-leather boots, and personally, I love a rogue, so I thought I’d write about some of my favourites here. But first of all, what do I mean by rogue? What are the very special and charming qualities a character requires before he or she fits into this particular archetype? (In true rogue fashion, I will be judging entirely by my own definition…) Well, firstly, funnily enough, charm. A quick wit and a certain way of talking themselves out of trouble – this is an essential rogue trait. Secondly, a healthy dollop of self-interest; rogues are, undoubtedly, out for what they can get, and even when they get roped into stuff like saving the world, they still have half an eye on the coin purse. Next up, skill. Rogues are good at something – they have a particular talent, a thing they do better than most people, and it’s usually how they make their living. And lastly, they are morally dubious. Wydrin has been many things over the years – mercenary, sell-sword, bodyguard, tomb raider – but call her a thief to her face, and you might regret it. However, that’s not to say she isn’t one… So. Top Rogues.