Book Review: Do Not Go Quietly: an Anthology of Victory in Defiance edited by Jason Sizemore and Lesley

What are you fighting for? Your space? More space? Your territory? More territory? Your reputation? A better reputation? A better outcome? The best possible outcome? — Bianca Lynn Springgs “Plot Twist” from Do Not Go Quietly: An Anthology of Victory in Defiance Bianca Lynne Spriggs’ volume-closing poem “Plot Twist” challenges the reader with these provocative questions and many more, and had I been doing editors Jason Sizemore’s and Lesley Connor’s job, I would have been sorely tempted to put it first rather than last. However, since this poem’s challenges are as good a return to the real world we’re all stuck in as they are a microcosm of the themes this collection explores, I can absolutely see why they chose otherwise. Which is to say that Sizemore and Connor earned every nickle they could ever conceivably be paid for producing Do Not Go Quietly: An Anthology of Victory in Defiance.
362. Cadwell Turnbull (a.k.a. The One and Only) — The Lesson (An Interview)–Episode362–Cadwell_Turnbull_TheLesson.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSIrma, Imperialism, and Islands, oh my! In today’s episode, Shaun Duke and Brandon O’Brien interview Cadwell Turnbull about his debut novel about aliens in the U.S. Virgin Islands, The Lesson! Cadwell discloses the myriad of themes he either explored or was thinking about while writing the novel including Colonialism, systems of violence, disaster capitalism and Hurricane Irma, power dynamics in relationships, and so much more. There was so much for our interviewers to chew on in The Lesson and this is just the top of the Island, so to speak. You do not want to miss it! We hope you enjoy the episode! Don’t forget, if you sign up for our Patreon, you’ll be able to listen to our Patreon exclusive interview, 5 Questions with Cadwell Turnbull – coming soon!
Book Review: The Devil’s Guide to Managing Difficult People by Robyn Bennis

The Devil’s Guide to Managing Difficult People is an urban fantasy that deceptively starts off as a lighthearted take on a relationship with a supernatural being and eventually turns into a meditation on deeper explorations of a character’s pain, personality, choices, and mistakes. It tempts the reader with the fun and goofiness of its initial premise and gradually sucks the reader into a study of the main character and their history in a deep and sometimes painful dive. This latest book by Robin Bennis leverages and leavens Bennis’ droll sense of humor seen in the Signal Airship series and turns it onto a fantastic urban fantasy story.
Righteous Kicks #4: Kamen Rider Drive, Episodes 33-48–Righteous_Kicks–E4.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSWelcome to Righteous Kicks — the podcast where two science fiction writers geek out about men in spandex bodysuits who kick evildoers to death in abandoned quarries until they explode! This month, Iori and Brandon wrap up the final episodes of Kamen Rider Drive! Heroes and villains resurrect from the grave, old cases are finally solved, Gou’s worst fears are finally realized, Iori delights in the reappearance of the fake-dating trope, Medic takes care of a dog, and Chase even finally gets his driver’s license.
Speculative Fiction in Translation #14: Biological and Artificial–Episode_14–Biological_and_Artificial.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSApril brought us stories and books about the merging of the biological and artificial, zombification, organic routers, and much more. Plus we talk about what we’ve been reading, our favorite stories this month, and translations that we wish we could have yesterday. Remember: with new stories and books coming to their attention each week, make sure to check the SFT website for updates. Enjoy, and keep reading! A bientôt! P.S. It’s Jen’s fault this is late! Sorry about that, folks!
Signal Boost #53 — Tracy Barnett (Iron Edda TTRPG) and Evan Winter (Rage of Dragons)–Signal_Boost_53–Barnett_and_Winter.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS In today’s episode of Signal Boost, Jen Zink interviews Tracy Barnett, podcaster, writer, and TTRPG designer, about their work as a TTRPG designer, from their first game, School Daze, to their most recent (as of the recording of the podcast, which we must apologize for posting 2 months later than expected) big project, Iron Edda! Jen finds out all sorts of interesting things about TTRPGs, from how the independent TTRPG design community has exploded, how new TTRPGs are redefining what a game is, to the themes that Tracy likes to explore in their own games, and more. This is a treasure trove of information so have a listen! Then Jen talks to Evan Winter, self-published turned traditionally published, author of the debut epic fantasy novel, Rage of Dragons! They discuss why Evan originally decided to self-publish Rage of Dragons and how that eventually brought The Burning series to Orbit, including new edits to the originally published manuscript, how his time as a Music Video Director helps Evan plot both the larger plot of his books and individual scenes, some of the influences for the book, including his childhood memories of Africa, the magic system of Rage of Dragons, and more!! We hope you enjoy the episode!