Bleedover Contest Winner

Guess who won a copy of Bleedover by Curtis Hox? Mia! That’s right.  Little Mia from the far away land of the United Kingdom, from whence the Morlocks descend! An email will go out shortly, which will be followed by another email in which Mr. Hox forwards his book to Madam Mia. Hooray!

China Miéville and the Arresting Image by Curtis Hox (Guest Post and Giveaway)

What is it about China Miéville that makes him so good? Among other things: language, brothers and sisters, language. A recent article in The Guardian states, “Miéville has always worn his influences on his sleeve – Lovecraft, Peake, classic and new wave SF, fantasy, comics and the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing games he played as […]