
Coming Soon: Mirkwood — A Movie *About* Tolkien

Cinema Blend recently reported (through The Hollywood Reporter, apparently) that a fictionalized account of Tolkien’s life called Mirkwood is currently being adapted for the screen.  Here’s an excerpt from the article: Steve Hillard’s book Mirkwood: A Novel About J.R.R. Tolkien, is being adapted into a feature-length film by EMO Films and producers Joel Eisenberg and Timothy Owens, The Hollywood Reporter writes. Amazon says that the work of fiction — which initially was blocked by Tolkien’s estate but has since resolved its differences — turns Tolkien into the hero of a story that takes place in our world and that of Middle Earth. It paints the author “as a man haunted by the very myths he rewove into his famous works” and “explores the blurred borderlands where ancient tales, lost heroines, and epic journeys are stalked by dim monsters that will not be still.” I don’t know about you, but this sounds really fascinating.  When I initially saw the article, I thought it was going to be a dramatization of Tolkien’s actual life.  Instead, it’s a fictionalized, fantastic account of his life.  That’s something I can get into. What about you?  Are you interested in Mirkwood?

Episode 59 — Torture Cinema Meets War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave–TortureCinemaMeetsWarOfTheWorlds2The/Sandf–Episode4.6–TortureCinemaMeetsWarOfTheWorlds2theNextWave.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Podchaser | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSWhat could be worse than a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake of an adaptation of a remade adapted adaptation remake based on a book?  A sequel… The title says it all.  We spend the whole episode trying to desperately to make it through our 5-by-5s.  Tune in to see if we succeeded.  (We have Eoghann Irving to thank for this month’s awful movie selection.  Thanks, jerk.) Note:  If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show! Here’s the episode (show notes are below): Episode 59 — Download (MP3) Torture Cinema Meets War of the Worlds 2:  The Next Wave (0:00 – 47:05) War of the Worlds 2:  The Next Wave (IMDB) (Burn in hell, mutant movie!) You should also check out our friends at Adventures in Scifi Publishing.  The end of episode 4.6 has the new promo for their show, which you should listen to! Our new intro music is “Time Flux” by Revolution Void (CC BY 3.0). That’s all, folks!  Thanks for listening.  See you next week.

Torture Cinema Poll #3 Results

We’d like to thank Eoghann Irving for launching a small, but not inconsiderable, campaign for our next Torture Cinema movie selection.  Without him, we’d likely be watching something like Jumper, which is only moderately bad as a movie.  In fact, after all the awful movies we’ve been forced to watch in the last year, we might have actually come to like Jumper.  Maybe. But such niceties are not in the cards, it seems.  Instead of Jumper, we get to watch this: Thanks, Eoghann.  Really.  You’ve just given us the much-needed rationale for committing homicide…

Torture Cinema Poll #3: Pick Our Next Movie!

It’s easy.  Just click to choose the movie to torture us with next.  Or don’t.  We don’t care either way, because we’re still sure this whole “let you choose” thing is a glorious mistake…

Torture Cinema Poll #2 Results

Guess what we’re watching! We’ve never seen this movie, but we’re pretty sure that when we record on Thursday, we will have mad hate for all of you.  May you burn in the fiery depths of listener hell!

Torture Cinema Poll #1 Results!

This is the movie you’ve forced us to watch: Thanks a lot, jerks. A new poll will go up after the next Torture Cinema episode goes up (which will give you another opportunity to torture us…).