
Book Review: Coyote Run, by Lilith Saintcrow

Cover of Coyote Run by Lilith Saintcrow, featuring a skinny woman holding two pistols and firing one, and a husky woman following through after hitting a skull-helmeted soldier with a wrench, also firing a pistol from the other hand.

Coyote Run is a standalone work. However, Saintcrow’s website calls it “the first Amazing Tale of Antifascist Action,” so I am hopeful that more stories will follow in this setting, especially if this novella does well, which it certainly deserves!

Review: Necrobane by Daniel M Ford

Cover of Necrobane, Book Two of the Warden Series, by Daniel M. Ford, featuring a small dark-haired woman gesturing and holding a dagger, a larger redhead holding a rapier, and a faded figure behind them, holding a staff.

Some of the less than smart choices Aelis made in the first book, and in this book, really do come back on her. This is a book that is all about the consequences of personal actions, on scales ranging from Aelis’ health, to the fate of a friend, to the main plot, the wave of undead threatening the borderlands that she set in motion.