759. Looking Back, Moving Forward (2024)

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-759-looking-back-moving-forward/SandF_759_LookingBackMovingForward.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSThe past, the future, and geek plans, oh my! Shaun Duke, Daniel Haeusser, Trish Matson, Paul Weimer, and Brandon O’Brien begin the new 2024 season with some announcements, some jokes, and a whole lotta of their favorite things from 2023 and the thing they’re looking forward to in 2024! The announcements are big ones, too! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!
Announcing the 2024 Season!

Ch-ch-changes. Turn and face the strange! That’s right. The brand new season of The Skiffy and Fanty Show is coming your way, and it’s going to be different. The biggest and most important change: We’re turning into a live show this year. Barring scheduling or tech problems, we’ll be live every Friday at 6:30 PM Central for the foreseeable future. Where? On Twitch at AlphabetStreams. If you’d like to see the show as it’s made, then join us every Friday at 6:30 PM Central! Our first show of the season will be on Feb. 9th (Looking Back, Moving Forward). Does this mean we’ll stop releasing podcasts? Nope. All of our live shows will be produced as podcasts, too. They’ll also end up on our YouTube channel. These changes will come to our Patreon page, too. We’ll also begin experimenting with a live version of the Speculative Dispatch on on our Discord. These will occur on Mondays at 6:30 PM Central, with the first of these expected on Feb. 12th. Our Torture Cinema livewatch events will also move to the Monday before Torture Cinema (the last Friday of every month)(first one: Feb. 19th for the livewatch; Feb. 23rd for Torture Cinema on Twitch). We’re trying to keep things as simple as we can. Fridays for live shows. Mondays for Patreon stuff. Boom! We hope to see everyone in the live show chats. If you can’t make these shows, that’s OK! You can keep listening through your regular podcast feed (iTunes, Castbox, Goodpods, Podchaser, etc.). Don’t forget to review the show, too! Thanks for sticking with us through the years. We hope this year will be an exciting one. It will be for us because it’s so new! Onward ho!!!
S&F’s November and Holiday Special Events

We’ve got a packed November (and early December), y’all. We’re hosting several live events on Twitch, and we hope you’ll join us. Here’s what is on the docket: Our patrons are currently voting on the upcoming Holiday Special edition of Torture Cinema. We’ll update this post as soon as we know what’s up! We hope you’ll join us for these absolutely delightful events! Thanks for hanging with us all these years (and thanks to all those who joined us for the first time in 2023). Wee!
August 2023 Live Shows and Events!

It’s that time, y’all! Time for this month’s live events, of which there are many. The events are as follows: Going forward, we’ll be standardizing our schedule for these live shows/events (and we’ll announce them far sooner). So stay tuned for that. We hope to see everyone there! Bring your friends! Share this on your socials!
Announcement: 2023 Listener / Reader Survey

If you follow us on socials, you might have seen us mention that we dropped a brand new listener/reader survey on our handy little website. If on the odd chance this is the only way you hear about things we’re doing, then this is going to be a big surprise indeed because, hey, we dropped a brand new listener/reader survey! We’re looking for feedback from ALL listeners of the show and anyone who previously read the blog. Help us better understand how you listen to us AND how we can make a better show or keep doing the things we’re good at. You can take the survey on this magic page OR right here on this Google link. The survey should take you 5-10 minutes (more if you’re very detailed). Thanks in advance to everyone who takes this thing. We appreciate you!
728. Looking Back, Moving Forward 2023

https://media.blubrry.com/skiffyandfanty/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/sand-f-728-looking-back-moving-forward-2023/SandF_728_Looking_Back_Moving_Forward_2023.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSThe past, the future, and geek plans, oh my! Shaun Duke and Brandon O’Brien open up the 2023 season with another annual “Looking Back, Moving Forward” episode! Together, they announce some of the changes coming to the show in the new season, what things they loved in 2022, and what things they’re looking forward to in 2023! Plus, there might be a few jokes! Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the episode!