
There are currently two ways you can support the podcast and blog:

Monthly Support

The best way to support the show is via our Patreon page! Becoming a patron gives you access to a wide range of perks, including our monthly Speculative Dispatch podcast, voting rights on Torture Cinema polls, access to our Discord community, stickers, and other things! Plus, we’re working on some big ideas, and your support will help us make that happen!

Review the Show / Word of Mouth

The second way to support the show is to tell other folks about us and review the show. Word of Mouth goes a long way towards getting our show past the cacophony of voices. Tell your friends. Tell your sister. Tell everyone!

Additionally, podcast reviews do wonders for exposing the show to new audiences. If you love what we do, consider reviewing our show on iTunes, Podchaser, and your favorite podcast app! Plus, we’ll sometimes read these on the show! Cool, right?

Our Supporters

Our current patrons include:

Our past patrons include: