
Righteous Kicks is a podcast hosted by Iori Kusano and Brandon O’Brien, two science fiction writers determined to geek out about Kamen Rider, a Japanese science fiction television mega franchise. In each episode, Iori and Brandon ramble at length about the good, the bad, and the absolutely silly parts of a show about men in spandex bodysuits who kick evildoers to death in abandoned quarries until they explode. Now, shall we begin the experiment?

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Righteous Kicks
Righteous Kicks
Iori Kusano and Brandon O'Brien

Righteous Kicks is a podcast hosted by Iori Kusano and Brandon O'Brien, two science fiction writers determined to geek out about Kamen Rider, a Japanese science fiction television mega franchise. In each episode, Iori and Brandon ramble at length about the good, the bad, and the absolutely silly parts of a show about men in spandex bodysuits who kick evildoers to death in abandoned quarries until they explode. Now, shall we begin the experiment?

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