#PollMondays: What was the best scifi film of 1999?

It’s that time again:  poll time! This week, we thought we’d torture you with a poll of some of the biggest films of 1999. Now it’s up to you. Decide once and for all which of these films was the best of the year. Your vote could decide the fate of the world!

Worldcon 75 (HELSINKI!): Our Schedules and Call for Interviewees!

We’re just a week away from Worldcon, and we are excited! Five of us will be there next week (Shaun, Paul, Alex, Julia, and Mike, who is last here because he’s wrong about comics :P), and we’ll all be up to no good while we’re there. Whether it’s paneling, exploring Helsinki, or recording guerilla interviews […]

Torture Cinema Poll: August Attack of the 80s!

We realize that you haven’t even heard our July pick, Night of the Comet, yet, but it will be up soon! PROMISE!! What you’ll find when you DO listen to that one though is that sometimes the team gets really lucky and ends up watching something really kind of enjoyable. SO PICK A REAL TORTURE […]

#PollMondays: Which of these super people would win in a game of Risk?

We’re rolling out a new thing on the blog. It began as a new thing on our Twitter account:  #PollMondays. People seemed to like it, so we’re going to do more of it! The premise for today’s poll is simple:  if these super people sat down for a game of Risk, who do you think […]