CONvergence Ho! Call for Interviewees (Fans, Creators, Everyone!)

In less than a month, Paul Weimer, Mike Underwood, and Shaun Duke will be at CONvergence in Minneapolis, the City of Flower and Sawdust, the City of Lakes, the Mini Apple, one half of the Twin Cities.  Woo! A few years ago, we conducted over a dozen interviews and discussions at CONvergence using a handy […]

Torture Cinema Poll for February 2016: What should we watch next?

The new season begins soon, and that means more Torture Cinema!  We haven’t asked you to vote since before our Childhood Destruction editions of the TC feature.  Now, we’re back to the listener-voted format. You know the drill.  VOTE! As always, if you want to suggest a movie for us to discuss on this feature […]

2016 Season Begins: Expectations and Suggestions!

The new year is upon us.  Oh, heck, who am I kidding?  It’s been upon us for weeks, and boy is 2016 turning out to be a SF/F tornado of emotion! The good news is that we’re going to have new episodes soon.  That means more interviews, more discussions, more movies, and more torturous adventures […]