This Katamari Feels Halloweenish

Snowy Owl

(That’s probably because you rolled up nothing but costumes!) Greetings, fellow costume aficionados! October is here, and that means we have one more excuse to examine many many costumes! Other good excuses are Mardi Gras, DragonCon, Comic-Con, and pretty much any time we can convince large swathes of people to play dress-up. Because, really now, […]

My Superpower: Jaime Lee Moyer

My Superpower is a regular guest column on the Skiffy and Fanty blog where authors and creators tell us about one weird skill, neat trick, highly specialized cybernetic upgrade, or other superpower they have, and how it helped (or hindered!) their creative process as they built their project. Today we welcome Jaime Lee Moyer to […]

This Katamari Feels Mostly Like C.S.E. Cooney

Claire's Rhysling Award

(That’s probably because you rolled up nothing but Claire!) This week I am visiting the sparkly C.S.E. Cooney in her well-appointed Rhode Island garret, right across from the Victorian strolling park. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the magnificence that is C.S.E. Cooney. Never fear, that shall soon change! C.S.E. Cooney is a writer of plays, […]

This Katamari Feels Cleaningsish — Magical Cleaning Methods!

(That’s probably because you rolled up nothing but magical cleaning techniques.) I know that common wisdom says spring is the season for cleaning, but for me this autumn is setting off my cleaning impulse. The last week has seen me taking every spare moment to do things that are usually completely out of character, like […]