SEA Quest: A SG Writer's Thoughts about ASEAN Lit

SFF in ASEAN Writing Who am I? I write science fiction (mostly) and YA. And things in between. What draws me to science fiction and YA? I like the genre. Science fiction is a genre. YA is the target audience, not a genre. I like science fiction because you can imagine worlds. You can write about werewolves in space and fantastic space battles. It’s basically what-ifs and futures and what kind of futures you want to see. Science fiction is visionary; it opens eyes and broadens horizons. It makes you think. It makes you travel through space and time. It has enormous potential for change. YA? I teach and I like teaching. My students happen to fall within this category. It talks about an interesting and not-so-easy time: the teenage years.
Space Husbands!

People are totally in love with the idea of Space Husbands who are loving partners who share their lives together in almost telepathic sync, thank the Force. Perhaps we all want to find a partner who is just as loving as Baze or Chirrut.