Jen Zink (a.k.a. “The Jabberywocky”)

Jen Zink is a Podcaster, freelance Podcast Editor, and unconvincing Homemaker. Her passions include basically all things speculative fiction, including children’s, MG, YA, comics, video games, movies, television, and conversations. Otherwise, she neglects gardening, offends art, overbrews tea, and attempts sleep, though not necessarily in that order or all at one time.
You can follow Jen on Twitter, Instagram, and Patreon, where you can find her podcast, ARC Nemesis.
Paul Weimer – Host and Reviewer (a.k.a. “The Unbanned”)
Paul Weimer is a SF writer, gamer, reviewer, and podcaster and an avid amateur photographer. In addition to the Skiffy and Fanty Show, he also frequently podcasts with SFF audio. His reviews and columns can also be found at and the Barnes and Noble SF blog. He is best seen on twitter as @princejvstin and his website. He/Him
Julia Rios – Host (a.k.a. “The Bechdel Crusher”)
Julia Rios is a writer, editor, podcaster, and narrator. Her fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, and Goblin Fruit. Currently the Fiction Editor for Fireside Magazine, she won the Hugo award in 2017 as Poetry and Reprint editor for Uncanny Magazine, and was a Hugo finalist as a Senior Fiction Editor for Strange Horizons. She is a co-host of Walkthrough, a discussion of exercise and geekery with Amal El-Mohtar and Layla Al-Bedawi. She has narrated stories for Podcastle, Pseudopod, and Cast of Wonders. She’s @omgjulia on Twitter and @zomgjulia on Instagram. She/They
David Annandale – Host (a.k.a. “The Kaiju Whisperer”)
David Annandale brings doom to untold billions as a writer of Warhammer 40,000 and Horus Heresy fiction for the Black Library, most recently in the novels Ruinstorm and the forthcoming Castellan. As the author of the horror novel Gethsemane Hall, he hopes to end sleep for you forever. During the day, he poisons minds as he teaches film, video games and English literature at the University of Manitoba. If you have any fragments of hope still left, you can have them crushed at his website or by following his Twitter account. He/Him
Alex Acks – Host (a.k.a. “Citizen Kane”)
Alex Acks is a writer, geologist, and dapper AF. Angry Robot Books has published their novels, Hunger Makes the Wolf and Blood Binds the Pack, under the pen name Alex Wells. In addition, they’ve written for Six to Start, a steampunk novella series, and been published in Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Daily Science Fiction, Shimmer, and more. Alex lives in Denver with their two furry little bastards, where they twirl their mustache, watch movies, and bike. For more information, see their website. They/Them
Trish Matson – Blog Editor and Host (a.k.a. “Deep State”)
Educated as a physicist yet living as a journalist, Trish Matson is an award-winning writer and editor whose ever-expanding list of interests includes a lifelong love of SF/F, plus wordplay, libraries, games, music, dancing, audio drama, and podcasting. She’s listed as TrishEM on various fora, but you can find her most easily on Twitter. She/Her
Stina Leicht – Blogger and Host (a.k.a. “Mrs. Irish Cream”)
Stina Leicht is an award-nominated sf/fantasy writer. When she was small she wanted to grow up to be like Vincent Price. Unfortunately, there are no basements in Texas — thus, making it impossible to wall up anyone alive under the house. Alas, she’ll have to resign herself to going quietly mad while wearing a smoking jacket. Too bad Texas is hot, she doesn’t smoke and, therefore, doesn’t own a smoking jacket. She is the Campbell and Crawford award nominated author of the novels Of Blood and Honey, And Blue Skies from Pain, Cold Iron, and Blackthorne.
She is currently working on a Feminist SF novel called Persephone Station for Simon and Schuster’s Saga Press that will be released in Summer of 2018. She can be found on Twitter and Facebook (Stina Leicht) and her website. She/Her
Daniel Haeusser – Reviewer and Host (a.k.a. “The Mad Scientist”)
Daniel Haeusser (He/Him) is an Associate Professor of Biology who teaches microbiology and biochemistry. He researches bacterial cell shape & division, and phage (bacterial viruses) that alter either in their host during infection. His constant reading spans many genres, but SF, Fantasy, Horror, mystery, and world literature remain closest to his heart. His regular book reviews can be found at Reading 1000 Lives, and he also contributes reviews to Strange Horizons, Fantasy Book Critic, Speculative Fiction in Translation, and World Literature Today. You can connect with him on Goodreads or Bluesky.
Kate Sherrod – Reviewer and Host (a.k.a. “The Dagobah Poet”)
Kate Sherrod is a poet, fiction writer, podcaster, book reviewer audio fiction narrator, and high school speech and debate coach living in the teeny tiny (population of less than 1600) town of Saratoga, WY. She has published two collections of Shakespearean sonnets to date, and has contributed prose and poetic fiction to several anthologies and magazines. She is part of Skiffy and Fanty’s Thrawn and On and On team blogs at and. When she’s not reading or writing, she does all kinds of volunteer work in her home town, enjoys hiking and mushroom hunting in the nearby Medicine Bow National Forest, and is currently catching up on all of the television she missed in the 90s and early 2000s. Her literary output is available at and you can find her on Twitter. She/Her
Stephen Geigen-Miller – Reviewer (a.k.a. “Mr. Manhattan”)
Stephen Geigen-Miller writes comics, prose and free-associative paragraphs that seemed to make some sort of sense at the time. His geekdoms are many and long-standing, and include science fiction, fantasy, comics, tabletop role-playing games, and endearingly bad kaiju movies. Stephen co-created and co-wrote the scifi comic series Xeno’s Arrow with writer/artist Greg Beettam. He co-created and wrote the trope-tacular urban fantasy webcomic Cold Iron Badge with artist Patrick Heinicke. Stephen lives in Toronto, works at the University of Toronto, and has two children. He writes in the bits and pieces of time in between everything else. You can learn more about him via his blog, or follow him on Twitter. He/Him
Joyce Chng – Blogger and Host (a.k.a. “The Werewolf Whisperer”)
Joyce Chng lives in Singapore. She writes science fiction, YA and things in between. Her fiction has appeared in The Apex Book of World SF II, We See A Different Frontier, Cranky Ladies of History, and Accessing The Future. Joyce also co-edited THE SEA IS OURS: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia with Jaymee Goh. Her alter-ego is J. Damask. She can be found at @jolantru and A Wolf’s Tale ( She/They/Qar
Elizabeth Fitzgerald – Reviewer and Host (a.k.a. “Judge Fitz”)
Elizabeth Fitzgerald is a freelance editor and owner of Earl Grey Editing. She runs an award-nominated book blog, and was a judge for the 2016 Aurealis Awards. Her fiction has appeared in the anthologies Next and Mother of Invention. She lives in Canberra, Australia. An unabashed roleplayer and reader of romance, her weaknesses are books, loose-leaf tea and silly dogs. She tweets @elizabeth_fitz. She/Her
Rachel Cordasco – Host (a.k.a. “The Genre Wanderer”)
Rachel Cordasco has a Ph.D in literary studies and currently works as a developmental editor. When she’s not at her day job or chasing three kids, she’s writing reviews and translating Italian speculative fiction. She runs the website, and can be found on Facebook and Twitter. She/Her
Becca Evans – Reviewer and Host (a.k.a. “Spawn of the Universe”)
Becca Evans is a former intern turned regular contributor with the show. Currently studying writing and rhetoric at university, her passions include talking about mythology and her cat, drinking tea, and adding more books to her TBR list even though she knows she doesn’t have time to read all of them.
When not indulging in these passions, Becca can be found on Twitter or in a bookstore somewhere, if you look hard enough. She/Her
Cameron N. Coulter – Reviewer (a.k.a. “The Infiltrator”)
Cameron N. Coulter writes speculative fiction and poetry. His poetry has appeared in Eternal Haunted Summer and Eye to the Telescope. When not reading or writing, he likes to play around with GNU/Linux, study Mandarin Chinese, think about critical theory and copyright law, and go hiking. Cameron can be found on his website or on Twitter. He/Him
Zin E. Rocklyn – Reviewer and Host (a.k.a. The Dark and Terrible)
Zin E. Rocklyn’s stories are older than her years, much like the name she’s chosen to pen them under. Of Trinidadian descent and hailing from Jersey City, NJ, Zin is influenced by the every day curiosities of the terrifying unknown and the fascinating weird. Her work is currently featured in the anthologies Forever Vacancy, Sycorax’s Daughters, and Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters II. Her personal website,, is currently under construction, so stay tuned for all of her weirdness in HTML form. In the interim, you can follow her on Twitter @intelligentwat. She/Her
Trang Ngo – Reviewer and BookTube Channel Producer (a.k.a. “The Amazing Trizzang!”)
Trang Ngo is a former intern turned regular contributor with the show. She just graduated from James Madison University with a Bachelor of Arts in Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communications. She’s a die-hard Disney fan, lover of anime and cartoons, follower of asian pop culture, consumer of bubble tea, and owned by two chubby cats. When she’s not binging her new favorite TV show, Trang can be found hugging her cats and on Twitter at @the_trizzang. She/Her
Kerry Truong – Reviewer (a.k.a. “The Speculative Chef”)
Kerry Truong is a writer, lesbian dog dad, and aspiring home chef who writes about everything from witches to delicious Vietnamese food. You can find their tales of food and supernatural creatures in Expanded Horizons, GlitterShip, and Anathema: Spec from the Margins. Follow them on Twitter @ninetalesk, where they expound at length on why every Robin the Boy Wonder is trans. They/He
Iori Kusano – Host (a.k.a. “Professional Sh–Poster”)
Iori Kusano is an Asian American writer and Extremely Ordinary Office Gremlin living in Tokyo. They are a graduate of Clarion West 2017 and their fiction has previously appeared in Apex Magazine. Find them on Twitter @IoriKusano and Instagram as iori_stagram, or at Pronouns they/she.
Mike Underwood – Host (a.k.a. “The Apotheosis”)
Michael R. Underwood is the author of over twelve books, including the Ree Reyes Geekomancy series, Shield & Crocus, and Genrenauts, an r/Fantasy “Stabby” Award finalist series of genre-blending novellas. Mike lives in Baltimore with his wife and their ever-growing library. In his rapidly-vanishing free time, he geeks out on comics and games and makes homemade pizza. You can find him on his website. He/Him
Penny Reeve – Reviewer (a.k.a. “The Nightmare Seller”)
By day, Penny Reeve wrangles authors for the excellent SF, F and WTF publisher, Angry Robot. By night she can be found throwing herself around doing various sporting activities, reading, reviewing or sipping delicious cocktails. Penny is based in Nottingham, England where she lives with her best friend and a matriarchal cat named Fizz. You can catch her on Twitter @penelopebabs. She/Her