
748. S&F Clacks #4: Hugos, Strikes, and Simon’s Schuster, Oh My! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSSAward shenanigans, venture capitalists, and bad film execs, oh my! Shaun Duke, Paul Weimer, Daniel Haeusser, and Trish Matson join forces to discuss the Hugo Award nominees, some happenings in Hollywood that you already know […]

Book Review: Vampires of El Norte

Cover of Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas

I enjoyed reading Vampires of El Norte. The young lovers’ misunderstandings feel natural, not artificially belabored, and the problems they’re dealing with, of trying to negotiate societal and familial expectations and demands to find some degrees of choice, are depicted with understanding, compassion, and warmth. The monsters are scary, the action scenes are exciting, the love story is sweet, and I found the conclusion very satisfying.