
“Sharing Worlds: The Story of the Stories” by Gillian Polack

I have two new novels out, both having to emerge with the lack of fanfare that we’re accustomed to in 2020. They were written a decade apart. One is published in Australia and the other in New Zealand. One is set in a world far in time and space where the government has brought back the eighteenth century. The other is set last year, in rural Australia. You can find more about both of them here. They have several things in common. The most important is that I did not write them alone. I am active in fandom and my fannish habits peeped into my work and changed it. Poison and Light is part of a shared universe. The original concept came when my historian self whispered to my writing self, “I have an idea.” However, an ezine and an anthology containing much work by other writers were released long, long before my version of things saw light of day. As a result the New Ceres universe has two quite different paths, but that’s another story.