We Have a #Booktube Show!

Yes, we’re terribly late in letting you know about this, so we figured that we’d catch you up real quick and, from this day forward, we’ll be posting each of our YouTube videos here so that you don’t miss anything! Our BookTube is a weekly show that will include book reviews, updates, conversations, and whatever else we feel like putting on it! Three shows that we definitely have are: A main episode that will generally include a couple of reviews from different hosts; a mid-month episode we’re calling “Escape from Speculative Fiction Mountain” which is us letting you know what we’ve been reading, what we’re planning on reading, upcoming releases, and the like; Jen will be hosting “Loopdilou’s Retro Reviews” where she’ll be reviewing older fiction that she probably has never, ever read before; and then, gods willing, Shaun will be hosting something sexy and classy at the end of each month. Shout out to our former intern and now BookTube producer – Trang Ngo! She’s the best! For now, commence the viewing! And don’t forget to click the subscribe button so you don’t miss our adorable faces!!
Month of Joy: Old Things by Betsy Dornbusch

My father died this past spring. I made no announcements, attended no funerals, and cried no tears over his passing. Though Dad lived an hour away I hadn’t seen him for about fifteen years. Estranged is the proper word, but as a wordie (like some people are foodies) “estranged” always conjures up notions of arguments and betrayal, of tearful decisions, of heart-rendering loss. This was a more logical decision, a choice based on my emotional, familial bandwidth: I have a wonderful husband, two amazing kids, a mother I adore, brothers I admire, FIVE sisters-in-law and their extended families, two sets of great in-laws, seven first cousins… er. You get the picture. We have an abundance of family.