Halloween Special: We Need Your Movie Suggestions!

October is coming up mighty quick, and with it comes candy and middle-aged men and women dressed up as ninjas and creepy guys in masks with fake chainsaws to scare all the little kiddies… I mean, that’s not what we’re doing. Then again, we’re not middle-aged… In any case, we really need your help for our Torture Cinema feature. For the first time ever, we’re going to have a special Halloween edition of Torture Cinema. This means we need suggestions. If you know of any bad supernatural or science fiction horror movies that you think we should watch and review, let us know in the comments, send us an email (skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com), send us a tweet, or look for our link on Google+ and leave a message. We’ll collect all of the suggestions and narrow them down to the five most popular selections. After that, you all get to vote on one of them, which will result in Jen and Shaun kicking and screaming about your poor life choices. Now start your suggesting!